Olbia 13.03 °C
14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

Jobs and salaries of graduates in Olbia in Tourism Economics

42% of graduates in Olbia in Economics and Tourism Management are enrolled in a master’s degree. 32% have a job, but a good percentage are also enrolled in a master’s degree. The employment rate is higher for women (45.5%). Women also have the highest net average salary (1,414 euros). 

These are some of the results of the survey carried out by Almalaurea, the inter-university consortium responsible for carrying out studies and in-depth studies on the profile and employment situation of graduates, which analysed the profile of 47 out of 58 graduates in 2021. 

As a Consortium Polo Olbia University Association" - or UniOlbia - we analyzed the survey to present it to the community, students and the production sector of Olbia and Gallura so that it can have the necessary information to make informed choices. 

Employment and training (%)
They do not work and are enrolled in a second level degree 42.6
They work and are not enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree 19.1
They work and are enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree 12.8
They do not work, are not enrolled in a second-level degree and do not seek 12.8
They do not work, they are not enrolled in a second level degree but they seek 12.8. 

Employment status (%)
They don’t work and they don’t look for 48,9
They work 31,9
They don’t work but they look for 19,1 

Postgraduate work experiences (%)
Never worked after graduation 44.7
Not working but working after graduation 23.4 

Employment rate (%)
Women 45.5
Men 14.3

Number of persons employed: 15

Employed: employment status at graduation (%)
Continuing work started before graduation 53.3
They started working after graduation 40.0
They do not continue work started before graduation 6.7 

Employment: time taken to enter the labour market (averages, in months)

Time from graduation to finding the first job 6.1
Time from the beginning of research to finding the first job 3.6
Time from graduation to the beginning of the first job search 2.6 

Profession (%)
Executive professions in office work 50.0
Managers, legislators and senior management 21.4
Other professions 28.6

Type of work (%)
Indefinite time 42.9
Autonomous 28.6
Non-standard 28.6 

Diffusion of smart working (%) 7.1
Part-time distribution (%) 21.4
Number of working hours per week (average) 37.7

Sector of activity (%)